Friday, February 12, 2010

Painted Card

This will have something humorous written on the front...
i painted a card for my husband's aunt who just lost
her husband after 60 years!
she just found out i painted and wanted to know
what kinds of things...this will be an example...
she can hold on to it or toss will be hers...


  1. Oh Wanda, she's beautiful. So expressive, so much depth and the colors........can't say enough!

  2. Wanda, It's so funny that you would refer to the difference in our styles at about the same time I did.
    I just read the comment you left on my blog, and 2 minutes before that, I left a comment on our flickr group for you, about your self portrait.... how much I love it, and how I wish I could paint like you do. I ADORE your style.

  3. That way to do the hair is my favorite, she will love that card,
    and they expression does say I am sorry for your loss, sort of sad and sort of what can I do to help.
    We are working or way on faces aren't we?

    I did do a valentine I guess with the cat food bag I showed. Ha Ha
    a cat food bag. People wil shake their heads. Emelie

  4. are a trip!!! Can't wait to see your self portrait with glasses on.
    Happy Valentine's Day to you and Richard.
    Big hug, Gloria
    PS.I love that you call me 'doll face'

  5. How fun! I bet she loved it. You are really progressing with your painting! I especially like your advice about knowing when to leave things out.

    rock on!

