Sunday, February 5, 2012

LEARNING and then learning more...

 The very beginning...well, now hmm, no this was about midway:
with one small lesson, abstract painting..
 ...then further along, i have decided to leave the painting for a background...
 and i shall be adding other ideas into this background...first is a transfer of horses, i love this look and who knows whats next...i promise to share the finished product, but i have no idea WHEN!
we were told to sketch, sketch and then more, these are simple non-shaded sketches with water added to them, it is definitly helping me see better
this was a 2-color study
and i have wayyy more sketches
...and i had to laugh at myself and you can laugh too...i didn't even know how to draw a BOX, imagine that, so i sent for a little booklet and practiced some :)...then my after school kids, showed me numerous other ways...duh, why didn't i think of that in the first place? makes life interesting!
closing with another beautiful sunset to share with YOU!


  1. I love this background Wanda, wonderful colors!
    And thank you for the sunset, I clicked on it to enlarge it - it is sooooo beautiful!
    Happy sketching and learning! :-)

  2. I can see that you've been having fun playing. I love drawing boxes too - strange but there you are.

  3. the sunset and your painted background feel so beautifully similar...reminding me of seeing an artist online talking about how she painted the sunrise every morning...

  4. Wanda, you're having such a good time-I can tell!
    Lovely work especially the horse collage. Sunset is gorgeous too, thank you for sharing that.

  5. Love your playing and experimenting and that sunset is awesome!!!

  6. Love your new sketches! And, the horses..Oh, yes!! Niiiice!

    Not sure if I know how to draw a box, either..but I got an A in Geometry in college. hm..

    I laughed sooo hard at the comment you left me. Worms. hahaha

  7. good stuff. And you're right. Life is interesting from so many....



  8. I love your Blog!! It's so much fun to see all of your work and progressions. I agree...Good Stuff!!!


