Sunday, July 12, 2009

Bird Condominium / Richard made for my birthday!

Primed for color
Painted and ready for mounting!

A close up, after mounting...

Ta Da!

(sung to the ol' tune my dad used

to sing)..."when the red red robin comes bob

bob bobbin' along"...!!!


  1. WOW! I love the bird condo! Nice work! I know you'll enjoy seeing all the birds, I am hooked on bird-watching-myself.

  2. I have got to stop trying to read so fast. I swore your title said bird condom. I did a fast double take, I tell ya! :D I'm blaming it on the hour..11pm here. Past my bedtime. heh!

    You have snagged yourself a keeper, my friend. Any husband who makes birthday presents as cool as yours should be kept around. How very sweet!! You should have birthdays more often.

    My dad still sings that robin song. If you can imagine it sung with a heavy french/New England accent (and off key), it might make you smile. :)

