Friday, November 12, 2010

Christmas Angels and Texture Town (julie prichard and chris cozens)!

I've just started in last night with my hanging, christmas angels...i love doing these to give to my friends...and i'm more loose and learn so much from they speak to me, probably "hey, give me a better nose than THAT one"...and then i may or may not oblige...the power is in my paint brush...;))!

Well, last night when i finished this...not quite...i had heart palpitations (good ones) i was so excited. i am taking julie prichard's texture class and i am more than happy about it...

this is not the best of photos but will do for now...i was planning to paint a woman's head in the flatish yellowish area...but not sure now!be sure to re-size larger to get a better peek!
Happy Happy friday mi amigas!!!!


  1. Wanda I love your angels! So lovely! And your texture painting is fabulous!! Love the colors and of course all the texture! I am thinking about taking a class with them...but can't decide which! lol

    Great work!

  2. I love those paintings very much!

  3. Wanda! Lovely angels, oh you make me laugh too!
    and your texture-town work, it is exquisite! You are doing great!

  4. Well I don't like the little guilt stabbing me this moment. I was painting angels for myself, and then read you are painting for gifts. They are jut the sort of thing I like to have around for the holidays, beautiful and subtle with a message that is clear.

    Loving your carboard work it is such a good surface to paint on.
    Good except when I was scrubbing paint into it and made a hole, the hole said challenge, it could talk, isn't that wonderful.

    However I am putting things together to make some trading cards, and making necklaces out of dominos with tiny resized paintings on them, to give at a party in Dec. but do you know it takes quite a lot of time to make the collage shets for these cards.
    If you go to my blog and see the name Zarona and go to her site and watch her free video you will feel the spark. She is a temptress with her work and ideas.

    We are expecting a snow storm, so I ran errands today and didn't get to paint. I did make some sheets, this is way more than one would expect in a comment zone. Love Ya

  5. Ahhhh-more goodness from Wanda!! (I like that--the power is in our paintbrush--or in my case, the paintbrush has a mind of its own :)

  6. Your angels are beautiful and I love what you're doing in the texture class,now you got me thinking about the class.

