Monday, November 17, 2014


 THE COMMISSION 3' X 5' is coming along...
in fact, she is further than this...but I promise
to show her either when I am closer or finished.
she has her BLUE CAP now AND
her eyes are correct and changed to other colors as of yesterday...;)
 another work in progress,
cupboard door...this helps me warm up to the giant canvas!
it is in my pinterest under,
good art-yep-for sale.
truest colors involving photographs
substrate: box end with nails remaining
photo transfers
real insect wings
real feathers (as well as transfers)
plaster of paris
my signature (ha, hard to write on crooked boxes;)
 WIP, a gazillion layers so far...I might not be able to lift the canvas when I am done...
when I do INDEED finish it!
I am going slower these days,
being patient,
letting my work speak to me,
running my hands over their faces,
I have 6 LARGE pieces that are all in progress,
switching like I do...
while they:
dry, change, call, holler, haunt, dream...


  1. Good evening WANDA MILLER! I LOVE those insect wings mixed in with the rest of the natural elements, and of course, the words. It must be a great feeling to free your brush onto the canvas....the results are always a genuine mix of colors and well put together images. I WISH I COULD DO THIS!

    Love to you dearest Wanda! Anita

  2. Dear Wanda, I love how you roll up your sleeves and dive into work. Clearly your love and patience has gone into these works. I am looking forward to seeing your finished piece. xoxo

  3. You precious, precious friend, you. Thank you for coming to say HI! Well, teaching is not an easy job. You go in daily starting fresh and trying to gain their trust so that what you are teaching is valuable to them. But next week, we have a whole week off for vacation and am I ever glad...we need the rest!

    Enjoy your day of making all things beautiful sweet Wanda! Anita

  4. xoxoxo I'm loving all the new pieces, Wanda. The feathers and wings now have a permanent beautiful home. How cool!! :)

  5. how fun that you are working on large pieces
    and changing your relationship with them
    the face is a joy to see
    lovely weekend to you

  6. Precious WANDA MILLER!!!!!!!

    I am off to go to work, but then went to my post and THERE YOU WERE! Yes dear one, that is me and my mum in 1965, on a hot California Christmas day! I chose that photo to communicate the FOREVER love that we hold with those near us, though they are gone. And that silly turkey on my header...teeeheheeee.......we have a posse of turkeys just like that who roam our neighborhood, here in the city!

    I hope you were able to sleep well, and that your creative sense will take over so you can express your holiday spirit. I look forward to seeing it!

    Much love to you dearest Wanda! Anita

  7. All so awesome! You know what I was thinking just now: I would love to see the place where you work, where you paint, your studio, or workroom, yes, I would love that! :-)

