Friday, May 29, 2015

FRIDAY ART JOURNAL...dyeing, drying, hanging "custom drapes"...

 i accidentely found this one, that i did sometime this week,
i haven't a clue when?
 this one will get toned down...already started on her face this a.m.
that's how i discovered the one above ;)
funny stuff, my life!
for; washing and re-dyeing our
 in our own home...
i don't dig curtains or drapes, for whatever reasons...
 a few years ago, i dressed our windows!
coming up with this inexpensive way and i just
love them!
and even better, so does Richard.
later in the day he said;
"i sure like how they blow 'like that' in the wind...
pitter patter ;)
Misty Mawn is the artist of the Rose painting,
and Mr. Miller is the artist that made our
copper curtain rods, with oak leaves on the ends...


  1. Do you know that it was my HUSBAND who suggested we get these wispy, airy, and soft drapes for our enclosed patio? And he was the one as well to suggest them as a canopy for our four-poster bed! Yes, the wind makes them blow like ghosts as we sit and can see them through the French doors, dancing about. OH WANDA, did you have a magical Friday? It is now the weekend, and I just have two meetings on Monday and Tuesday, then one short computer course on Thursday.

    Keep on creating; those little things like the curtains are such an inspiration! Much love dear friend, Anita

  2. pitter patter my heart again Anita..but for you! how marvelous is that...HUSBAND/MEN. I LOVE that so much and hearing this from YOU!

    it was MAGICAL Anita, when the painting at the top of the page, received her wings and words! that did it for me and HER ;)

    YOU ARE SOOOO CLOSE NOW...just squealing for you. xoxo

  3. I love the airiness of your curtains. What a nice touch! The face in your first image is ultra sweet. I would say she is a friend to everyone. Kind of like you! xo

    1. Thank you Lisa, for your sweet sweet words. annnd for visiting. that is such a kind thing to say to me. xo

  4. hi wanda♥
    your art journal is so vibrant!
    your dressed windows so serene...
    i agree,
    i am not fond of drapery,
    especially in the light-filled months.
    beautiful post.

    1. thank you Lisa! such good thinking you have! and YES...the light filled months, I just gotta have that LIGHT ;) XO

  5. WANDA! Today was my first official day of summer vacation! And to find your comment on my newest post was such a treat. Yes, time teaches us a lot, doesn't it? Art and language for me are connected. Communication with that language is vital, and to have cut off my blog was necessary for me to realize how much I need it, how much I need people who care.

    Hope you are having a lush and lovely creative day!!!!!!

