Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Three Faces of Eve

Wellllll......this is her 3rd face, about the 5th mouth...annnd...i am not excited about her....but, i thought i should show how some things just don't turn out to meet your expectations, and that one might struggle away to try and make it better, but only better, not best...and that's OKAY, lesson learned more than once and will again, soooo glean what one can and get MOVIN' on, eh?
on another humorous note...her first face looked like a vampire, her second looked like an old shriveled up, prunish type lady that i would never like to meet and now....

annnnd...especially for you, miss carolyn...she has a fabric collar and the strip on the side is dyed paper towel with another strip of fabric over that...look familiar? look closer...annnd i keep thinking of rae every time i want to change her lips...'cause it's an expression rae has often...like she has a secret...where are you rae rae, are you coming in october with lea? xoxoxox


  1. i really like this
    slow & mellow one.
    she's peaceful.
    & also, i know what you mean
    about how some of the parts
    of creating aren't pretty!
    love to you in the whole.

  2. Isn't it funny how sometimes you don't like what's inside of you coming out onto the canvas, and then you keep redoing it--you know like working out what's going on in your head until you're better-art therapy. Am I making any sense?

  3. I think we are our worst critics. We're so hard on ourselves. But I do know what you mean,you just have to keep going until you like it. I always think of it as great practice. Well anyway I think she's beautiful,love the colors.

  4. I love her too. I love the layers and colors. Thanks. Carolyn

  5. buffy and diane, you too sweety petutti's...yes diane, perfectly said, "art theraphy" thank you both. xo

  6. I thought of you yesterday and today, as I was having great difficulty with a paiting and I still am, I have to go and cover up and redo, I don't know what I was thinking any way when I did what I did.

    Just think you wouldn't of had a title had not you had to redo. She is as pretty as a painting. Are you still looking and wondering? I do that and nothing settles until I try again.

    But, you were thought of often today.

  7. i can sooo relate... it seems every piece i do now ends up with layer after layer after layer of changes. But I think overall it is a sign of freedom. To even conceive that you could give her 3 faces, 5 mouths... when you first started painting I bet that idea itself would have been overwhelming, if not downright terrifying.

    And every face under the layers tells a story, doesn't it... thank you for telling hers... and yours... always such a beautiful unfolding to be a part of.

  8. wanda,
    thank you for you always uplifting encouraging words. It is the love of others that help me keep moving...

    Reading your post again I also realize how each of us has different faces, different mouths, different eyes... we are not one dimension, but very layered. Some of those layers we don't like very much, some of them we love. But every one of them is part of what makes us whole.

    happy happy friday, lovely heart.


  9. greg just messaged me with this link. of course, i immediately thought of you and your katie voodoo doll..



    now, i want doughnuts. sigh. oh, scroll down that list, and read the names they gave their doughnuts. hahaha

    i shoulda had you stick my doll a few times so i could get over this cold sooner. i think i'm finally feeling better today..shh..i didn't say that. don't wanna jinx it. cough cough cough.

    LOVE the new painting, my dear. she is sooo you.

  10. i think i could use a few more nails up the nose, if you got 'em. kinda back stepping a bit today on the "feeling better" agenda. grr!!! i swear this thing really has a grip on me, and i'm struggling like crazy to get its filthy claws off me.

    been on the couch all day with the laptop. finally got up and took a shower, but ick. just not feeling today at all. i think i need your help. lol

  11. A vampire?! HA! She certainly doesn't look like that now! Good pictures here, and I love the close-up.
    I've been trying to catch up with people. Thank you so much for your happy comment on my site!

    Deer are so... well, they don't seem to get fat. Hmmm.. Where does it all, do you think?

